Oreo and her siblings came into our care when they were spotted on the side of the road on Mayne Island. The caring finders immediately went out to the location in search of the kittens. With the sounds of a mewing cat playing on their phone, three kittens came wandering out of the bush. Approximately 4-5 weeks of age, they were easily picked up and brought to safety.
Oreo received weekly weigh ins, parasite treatment, a series of vaccinations, wellness check ups, neuter surgery, quality kitten food and daily enrichment activities. We provided her adopters with a short video demonstrating how to trim Oreo’s nails so they may continue this training. Each orphaned kitten also receives a special blanket and stuffed animal when they arrive in our care. After 53 days, Oreo and her sibling Pumpkin have settled into their furrever home. The kittens are now named Jenna and Diarmuid, characters from their adopters favorite books.